NAMD using Turbomole

This section briefly describes how to run nonadiabatic molecular dynamics (NAMD) with mudslide using Turbomole as a QM engine.


This is a work in progress. Expect some kinks.

Setup Turbomole

The first step will be to setup a directory that contains all the input information you will need for a turbomole calculation. This means run define, TmoleX, or whatever else you would normally run to set up the calculation. Please see the Turbomole documentation for more information on how to do this. When the directory is set up, change to it:

cd /path/to/turbomole/directory

Load TMModel class

Next, you will set up a python script that will create a TMModel and run the simulation. An example script is shown below:

import mudslide

model = mudslide.models.TMModel(states=[0, 1]) # run using ground and first excited states
positions = model._position # read position from the coord file
momenta = mudslide.math.boltzmann_velocities(model._mass, 300) * model._mass

log = mudslide.YAMLTrace() # log trajectory using YAML files
traj = mudslide.TrajectoryCum(model, # run using turbomole model
                             positions, # start at position from coord
                             momenta, # use boltzmann momenta
                             1, # start on 1st excited state
                             tracer=log, # use yaml log
                             dt=20, # 20 a.u. time step
                             max_time=80, # run for 80 a.u.
results = traj.simulate()


  • Make sure your control file specifies all the options you need for dynamics. For example:

    • For NAMD you will need to have

      • $soes data group with information on the excitations.

      • $nacme (for just states 0,1) or $nacme pseudo (for state-to-state)

      • weight derivatives

    • And it is recommended to have

      • $phaser

      • $do_etf